This was one of my ideas to our leaky main water switch. Our shower wasn´t working so hot- so someone came to fix it and ended up creating another problem. So I cut into some water bottles and made a little gizmo to make sure our floor doesn´t flood, like it has! In the shower there is a bucket saving the water that drips, so i do save water- I promise!
Also, I´ve taken a liking to non-caffinated hot drinks... which is very Argentine. These are all of the different types of ways to stay warm. Mate, Mate cocido (in packets), mint tea, chamamille tea, malta, and hot chocolate. I will be bringing some home with me! I did, however, read over the word of wisdom again to plan out a healthier way to live- and I came across Hot drinks as not being a good thing... so I need to cut back on all of that.